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Priors Field Primary School


Priors Field Primary School values the individuality of all pupils; we are committed to giving pupils an equal opportunity to achieve the highest standard of education and have access to the full curriculum. We intend to provide an education that meets the specific needs of all individuals and groups of pupils, with the aim to eliminate discrimination.
The ultimate purpose of inclusion is to enable all pupils to flourish in adult life. Priors Field aims to increase the level and quality of inclusion within school, whilst protecting and enhancing specialist provision for those who need it.


Our Inclusion Leader/Special Educational Needs co-ordinator is Mrs Sophie Dennison. Please contact Mrs Dennison via the school on 01926 853015 or  inclusionpfp@welearn365.com

Alternatively please contact Mrs Katie Gane (Headteacher) or Mrs Katy Braley (Deputy Headteacher via admin2605@welearn365.com




      • Ofsted